Patient Feedback

We are pleased to present to you our most recent results for the Patient Feedback Questionnaire September 2014.

We are immensely proud of these results but the feedback does show us some areas where we could improve!

Time Waiting to be Seen

You can see that we continue to experience excellent wait times to see a GP or nurse, this is due to our open book system and continues to serve the community well, providing timely access to your local Health Professional. We won’t change anything for now…

Reception Staff 

We can see that 95% of the time reception staff are helpful, approachable or welcoming, this is great to hear and this year receptionist will strive to keep this record up.


We also continue to provide a good to fair telephone service. We hope that by using Emis Access, which allows you to book appointments online and order repeat prescriptions online that this should reduce the number of telephone queries and hopefully improving the telephone access for those who do not want to book an appointment or order repeat prescriptions.

We will continue to monitor this as we no timely access is very important to the community and will continue to look for ways to improve this service!